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Joan E. Winter, Ed. D.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine

Professional Office: 
The Family Institute of Virginia
2910 Monument Ave.
Richmond, Virginia 23221
Bachelor of Science, June 1970
Arizona State University – Tempe, Arizona
Major: Sociology
Masters of Social Work, May 1977
Highest Honors
Virginia Commonwealth University – Richmond, Virginia
Graduate School of Social Work
Thesis: “The Phenomena of Incest”
Education Specialist, December 1989
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 
Counseling Department
Doctor of Education, December 1993
College of William and Mary – Williamsburg, Virginia
Specialization: Counseling
Counseling Department
Dissertation: “Selected Family Therapy Outcomes with Bowen, Haley, and Satir”
Selected Postdoctoral Education and Training: 
1970-1988 Virginia Satir, D.S.W.  Ongoing therapy training and supervision. Includes five family therapy residential month-long seminars and other shorter workshops (15). Also, one month-long seminar devoted to family reconstruction, 1976.
1972-1990 Murray Bowen, M.D., Director of Georgetown University Family Psychiatry Center.  Consisted of ongoing monthly family psychotherapy seminars at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. Included: presentation of my own family of origin research to Bowen and seminar participants (1972-1980) and continued consultation upon request (1981-1990).
1974-1979 Vincent Sweeny, M.D., Co-Director of the Center for Study of Human Systems, Chevy Chase, Maryland. Organizational development, therapeutic consultation and family therapy supervision.
1976-Present Harry Aponte, M.S.W., private practice, former Director of Philadelphia child Guidance Clinic.  Ongoing family therapy training and individual supervision.
1976-1979 Milton Erickson, M.D., 7715 North 12th Street, Phoenix, Arizona. Training and supervision in clinical hypnosis and therapy. (At least six weeks of direct training with Dr. Erickson before his death.)
1977 Hank Giaretto, M.A. Director of Sexual Child Abuse Treatment Program of Santa Clara County Court, San Jose, California. One month (March) training and research at this incest treatment and training facility, which has treated over 800 sexually abusing families.
1977-Present The Virginia Satir Global Network (formerly Avanta Network) – A Family Therapy Faculty Network. Training includes: intensive organization and family systems training, initially under the invitation and leadership of Virginia Satir; direct supervision of training methods and skills; and “International Human Learning Resource Network” conferences, coordinated and by invitation of Virginia Satir, 1972, 1985.
1978 Jay Haley, M.A., Director of Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C. “Problem solving family therapy,” weekly seminar, January-May, 1978.
1990-1991 Lori Gordon, M.S.W. PAIRS Professional Leadership Training”, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. A 100-hour course for providing psycho-educational intervention for couples.
Certifications and Licensure:
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Virginia License # 0717000888
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Virginia License # 00904000350
Approved Supervisor, Board of Behavioral Sciences
Virginia License # 2511004
Approved Supervisor, American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
Diplomate, Clinical Social Workers 
National Register of Clinical Social Workers
Virginia Registrant # 015272
Current Professional Experience:
1983-Present Executive Director, The Family Institute of Virginia, Inc. 2910 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia  23221
Responsibilities include: administration, supervision and training for a multi-disciplinary team of six therapists; supervision of clinical research, training, and educational services; providing direct counseling, and clinical consultations and supervision; acting as a consultant to attorneys and judges; and providing expert testimony for legal proceedings. The Family Institute of Virginia additionally has an on-going training program for therapists and includes 28 trainees per year. 
1981-Present Co-Trainer with Harry Aponte.  Responsibilities for the two Clinical Training Programs include: four days per month on “The Person and Practice of the Therapist”; training 30 students under the auspices of The Family Institute of Virginia and licensure supervision through the Virginia Board of Behavioral Sciences.
1978-Present Executive Director, Family Therapy Research Project, under the auspices of the Virginia Department of Corrections, 4615 West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220
Duties include: administration and coordination a 4-year family therapy treatment and training research grant for the Department of Corrections – established to determine what models of family therapy are effective with juvenile delinquents and their families – and included 188 families in the study sample. The project also evaluates what methods of staff training and development are necessary to create an effective therapist. Jay Haley, M.A., Murray Bowen, M.D., and Virginia Satir, D.S.W., each coordinated a treatment and training module which was evaluated.
Professional Society Memberships: 
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
National Association of Social Workers
Academy of Certified Social Workers
Avanta Network, International Family Therapy Faculty
Executive Board
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy: 
  Member, Approved Supervisor
Mental Health Association
PAIRS Professional Leader
The Virginia Satir Global Network
Areas of Special Interest
Marital and Family Therapy
Incest and Child Abuse
PAIRS Professional Leadership Training for Couples
Residential Treatment Programs
Juvenile Delinquency and Family Systems
Organizational Development
Therapist Education, Training and Supervision
- Under the auspices of state and national licensing boards and organizations, for maintaining licensure and rehabilitation
Treatment Outcome and Process Research
Legal Consultation and Expert Testimony for Legal Proceedings
- Divorce, Child Custody, Child Abuse, Sexual Offenders, and Criminal Cases
Honors and Awards::
1976 Outstanding Young American Woman
1977 Virginia Commonwealth University Scholarship Award
National Advisory Committee on Family Therapy Research, National
Institute of Drug Abuse
1981 “Distinguished Contributor” Virginia Department of Corrections
1986 Who’s Who in the South and Southwest
World’s Who’s Who of Women, Ninth Edition
Selected Research and Publications:
Books, Journal Articles and Newsletters
Aponte, H. J. & Winter, J.E. (1987) “The Person and Practice of the
Therapist: Treatment and Training.” Journal of Psychothrapy and the Family. 3 (Spring). Reprinted in M. Baldwin and V. Satir (Eds.) The Use of Self in Therapy. (1987) New York: Hayworth Press, Inc.
Aponte, H. J. & Winter, J.E. (2000) “The Person and Practice of the
Therapist: Treatment and Training.” In M. Baldwin (Ed.) 
The Use of Self in Therapy (2nd ed.) (pp. 127-165). 
Binghamton, NY: The Hayworth Press, Inc. 
Gomori, M. and Winter, J.E. (1995) The Evolution of the Satir Model. Le modele evolutif de Virginia Satir. Les Implications Pratiques. (pp. 417–429) M. Elkaim (Ed). Editions de Seuil. Paris, France. In French.
Winter, J.E., and Aponte, H.J. (1987) “The Family Life of Psychotherapists: Treatment and Training Implications.” Journal of Psychotherapy and the Family, 3, Fall, 1978. Reprinted in F. Kaslow (Ed). (1987) The Family Life of Therapists. New York: Hayworth Press
Winter, J.E. and Bjornsen, C. (1991) Selected Outcomes of Bowen Therapy with families of juvenile offenders. American Family Therapy Association Newsletter. pp. 44, 33-34.
Winter, J. E., & Duke, J. (1973) Family Counseling Staff Development. Richmond, VA: Division of Justice and Crime Prevention.
Winter, J.E., and Parker, L.R.E. (1991) Enhancing the marital relationship: Virginia Satir’s parts party. Journal of Couples Therapy, 2, pp. 59-82. Reprinted in B.J. Brothers (Ed.) (1991) Virginia Satir: Foundational Ideas, pp. 59-82. New York: Hayworth
Winter, J.E. and Parker, L.R.E. (1992) “Enhancing the Marital Relationship.” In G. F. Muller (Ed.) Virginia Satir’s Wagezum Wachstrum. Munich, Germany: Junfermann. In German.
Winter, J.E., (1995) Satir Process Model: Overview of Theory. Le modele evolutif de Virginia Satir. Les fondements theoriques. (pp. 387-416). In M. Elkaim (Ed.) Editions de Seuil. Paris, France. In French
Winter, J.E. (2009) In Press. Satir Process Model: Overview of Theory.
Research, Symposia and Other Proceedings
Kiesler, D.J., Sheridan, M.J., Winter, J.E., and Kolevzon, M.S. (1981a)
Family Therapy Intervention Coding System (FTICS). (research report). Family Institute of Virginia and the Virginia Department of Corrections, Grant # 78-A4496J.
Kiesler, D.J., Sheridan, M.J., Winter, J.E., and Kolevzon, M.S. (1981b) 
Family Therapist Intervention Coding System (FTICS), Utilizing Manual:Identification of thought units. (research report). Family Institute of Virginia and the Virginia Department of Corrections, Grant # 78-A4496J.
Kiesler, D.J., Sheridan, M.J., Winter, J.E., and Kilevzon, M.S. (1981c) 
Family Therapy Intervention Coding System (FTICS), nonverbal coding system. (research report). Family Institute of Virginia and the Virginia Department of Corrections, Grant # 78-A4496J.
Winter, J. E. (1975) Artificial Insemination and the Law. (research report).
Richmond, VA: Family Institute of Virginia
Winter, J. E. (1977) The Phenomena of Incest. (Master’s thesis).  Virginia Commonwealth University.
Winter, J. E. (1979a) Interview with Murray Bowen and Bowen Theory Therapists., Georgetown Family Center, Washington, D.C. 
Winter, J. E. (1979b) Interview with Jay Haley and Strategic Family Therapy Therapists., Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C.: Washington, D.C.
Winter, J.E. (1979) A Conceptual Framework for Family Therapy, Treatment and Training Research: Systems, Strategic Communications. Family Therapy Practice Network, Washington, D.C. and The Synopsis of Family Therapy Practice M.S. Kolevzon (Ed.)
Winter, J.E. (1980) Interview with Virginia Satir and Process Model Therapists. (research report). Richmond, Virginia.
Winter, J. E. (1987) Meeting with Bowen Theory Therapists. (research report). Georgetown Family Center, Washington, D.C.
Winter, J.E. (1988) Family Therapy outcomes with Bowen, Haley, and Satir: Engagement, Dropout, Completion, and Recidivism.  Unpublished manuscript, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Winter, J.E. (1989) Meeting with Murray Bowen: Professional and Family Life Interview. (research report). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Family Center
Winter, J.E. (1992) Family Research Project: Family Therapy Outcome Study of Bowen, Haley, and Satir. (research report). Richmond, Virginia
Published Multimedia:
Winter, J.E. (1990) Milton Erickson in Action. (video and report). Richmond, Virginia: Family Institute of Virginia; Williamsburg, Virginia: College of William and Mary

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